Luis Verde Quartet
With saxophonist/composer Luis Verde, potent Jazz improvisation fuses with bold, playful and surprising composition. He’s one of the most remarkable and distinctive Contemporary Jazz musicians of his generation in Spain. A striking saxophonist and curious mind at large, Luis’s latest project, “Vientos Cruzados” (his third album as a sole leader) draws upon the musical wisdom of Mark Schilders (drums), Moises Sánchez (piano & keyboard) and Reinier Elizarde (double bass).
Luis and his collaborators travel musical expanses marked with otherworldly melodies, captivating grooves and intricate textures. Conceptually, the album was inspired by places Luis has a longing to go to, some imaginary, some real – one track in particular being dedicated to one of the world’s oldest trees, “Jomon Sugi”. Classical elements, hypnotic bass lines and narratives from nature are interwoven throughout the album, establishing a warm and vibrant sound that is both rhythmically original and extraordinary.
Taking the cohesion between composition and improvisation as the central axis in the development of the group’s sound, it is extremely evident that there is an enormous connection between these four musicians. A deep bond is generated with the listener when witnessing the band’s personal pursuit of interpretive freedom; a live performance that is wildly overflowing with energy.
Choosing a quartet formation is another key element to this project, where the band members explore individual creativity within the performance of the compositions, generating a tremendously personal and direct connection to the audience. Combining the acoustic part of the band with the search of new colours within the electronic realm is one of the major areas of exploration.
And to all this we must add an active search, a constant pursuit for new horizons, a perpetual and necessary nonconformity that tactfully pushes towards the contemporary from the present avant-garde but also from the continuous revision of the classics beyond the concrete personalities; a continuous investigation of popular music, the organic quality of it and the link with what is most human.
Luis verde
Alto Sax
Mark Schilders
Moisés Sánchez
Reinier Elizarde "El Negrón"
Double bass
Ensemble “La Resistencia”
- Ariel Bringuez SAXO TENOR
- Mauricio Gómez SAXO TENOR
- Enrique Rodriguez “Enriquito” TROMPETA
- Miron Rafajlovic TROMPETA
- Roberto Pacheco TROMBÓN
- Álvaro del Valle GUITARRA
- Moisés Sánchez PIANO
- Alberto Brenes BATERÍA
SOMA es un grupo formado por cinco músicos con una visión muy personal de la música. Con la diversidad como fuente de inspiración, una carrera consolidada y aún así con hambre por explorar nuevas opciones artísticas dentro del jazz contemporáneo, capaces de afrontar nuevos retos desde la creatividad y la experimentación.
Partiendo de la idea de formar una banda colaborativa, donde todos los miembros del proyecto aportaran a nivel compositivo y humano, y la perspectiva de grupo tomara fuerza por encima de la figura del líder, se creó esta banda formado por músicos consagrados de las diferentes escenas del jazz en la Península. El nuevo quinteto comenzará su andadura defendiendo un repertorio original tomando como referencia y fuente de inspiración la obra compositiva de grandes maestros del jazz del siglo XX, como Wayne Shorter, Ornette Coleman y Thelonius Monk entre otros, con el deseo de acercar la línea musical más contemporánea a una perspectiva más tradicional, y así generar un sonido en común entre cinco músicos provenientes de muy variados backgrounds.
Voro Gracía
Luis Verde
Saxo tenor
Julian Smith
Moisés Sánchez
Borja Barrueta
Niño Josele Quintet

Saxos del Averno
Dani Niño
Saxo barítono
Luis Verde
Saxo tenor
Miguel Benito "Pete"
Ariel Brínguez
Saxo tenor
Juan Carlos Ontoria